Barking and Dagenham will experience considerable population growth over the next 25 years. The council has adopted an ambitious programme to make green infrastructure a key driver for its emerging Local Plan. The Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Strategy will form a key part of the evidence base for the plan.

Client and Contract Period

London Borough of Barking and Dagenham

March to November 2019

Project Objectives

Barking and Dagenham has significant, large-scale green infrastructure assets with the potential to provide a truly integrated green infrastructure grid across the borough. Arkwood were commissioned by the council to develop a strategy that considered all of the borough’s green infrastructure assets (parks, SINC’s, rovers and water bodies, road verges, street trees and left-over spaces). The study considered how these could be combined into a comprehensive green infrastructure grid connecting every part of the borough and joining it to strategic green infrastructure assets beyond the borough boundary. The Strategy also proposed green infrastructure policies and design principles for the Local Plan.

Issues Challenges and Outcomes

The preparation of the Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Strategy involved the collection and assessment of a significant volume of mapped and written data provided by a large cohort of internal and external stakeholders. The project brief required us to develop a comprehensive set of mapping illustrating how all of the identified green infrastructure elements could be combined into a single coherent and legible grid.

  • GIS mapping and analysis
  • Strategic planning
  • Consultation and engagement