We are delighted to be developing a masterplan for Marquis Drive Visitor Centre in Cannock Chase, Staffordshire. The Chase is recognised as a National Landscape (previously Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty), and much of which has further designations of Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) due to internationally and nationally important habitats and wildlife. There is also significant heritage on Cannock Chase, ranging from medieval Scheduled Ancient Monuments to the remains of vast training camps from WW1 and WW2. We are working with Staffordshire Council and local residents where codesign will inform much of the design process, including workshops, site walkabouts, public exhibitions, and online map-based consultations.
The redesign of the visitor centre and its surrounding cark park, playground and other amenities will be aimed at serving the local community and people visiting Cannock Chase, and will be focused on sustainability, play, heritage and access to nature.