We are proud to announce our shift from Jon Sheaff and Associates to the new company identity and name: Arkwood. We are still the same hard working team, and we will still deliver the same high quality work our clients and collaborators have come to expect. The story of Arkwood goes back to Jon Sheaff’s childhood, where he loved playing outside in rural Cheshire. He would spend hours playing in the woodland near his home, known as the Arkwood. As a very young child Jon famously rode his tricycle down a steep hill and straight into the Arkwood, which to the children was a dark and mysterious place. The company rebrand reflects this childhood sense of adventure and connection to landscape, and honours this nostalgic memory and fascination with the wonders of our local forests and nature. We want to bring this forward into our new direction as a company, and focus on connecting people and the environment through landscape by focusing on environmentally friendly practice and ensuring the next generation can carry on enjoying our greenspace. We are looking forward to this new chapter, and will be beginning it with a rebrand launch that will take place on the 8th of June, 2023.