Worcester Riverside Park is a major public space development by Worcester City Council to develop the leisure and tourism potential of the edge of the River Severn and re-connect it to the City Centre. Arkwood were commissioned by Worcester City Council to develop a new brand for the park and a series of public realm interventions to reinforce its identity.

Client and Contract Period

Worcester City Council

January to July 2019

Project Objectives

Worcester City Council’s City Centre Masterplan proposed stronger links between the city and the Severn valley. To support this objective, the council developed the concept of Worcester Riverside Park and submitted an application for Green Flag status in 2018. Although this application was unsuccessful, it provided a detailed brief for the development of the Riverside Park concept. Arkwood were commissioned to develop a series of proposals to reinforce the identity of the park through better signage and wayfinding, de-cluttering and hard landscape interventions. A new brand was developed to complement the ‘Visit Worcester’ marque. Arkwood works supported a successful Green Flag application in 2019.

Issues Challenges and Outcomes

Riverside Park is made up of a series of distinct spaces each with their own identity. The objective of the scheme was to develop a series of phased hard and soft landscape proposals for unifying elements that would create an over-arching brand. Arkwood developed the brand through a workshopping process with key stakeholders and a series of city-wide engagement events.

  • Masterplanning
  • Detailed design
  • Graphic design and brand development
  • Consultation and engagement