Langtons Gardens is a Humphy Repton landscape created in the second decade of the 19th century. Havering Council secured funding from the NLHF for the restoration of the gardens and employed Jon Sheaff and Associates to act as Project Managers.

Client and Contract Period

London Borough of Havering

March 2016 to July 2017

Project Objectives

The objective of the project was to complete the physical restoration of Langtons Gardens to the Repton design in line with the agreed programme and budget agreed between the NHLF and Havering Council. This involved the restoration of the lake, Orangery and park infrastructure together with new build workshop element and the provision of a café. The project was delivered on behalf of an extended group of stakeholders

Issues Challenges and Outcomes

The major issued faced was a significant budget shortfall when set against tender returns. A detailed set of value engineering proposals had to be developed and agreed with the NLHF. In parallel, Arkwood participated in the development of a programme of further fund raising which culminated in the securing of £225,000 in additional external funding, allowing the project team to reinsert some of the design proposals that had been cut during VE. The client experienced a series of hostile responses to proposals from stakeholders and Arkwood worked assiduously to develop a mechanism to resolve these issues. 

  • Project Management
  • Fund raising
  • Consultation and engagement