Enhanced sports facilities within a sensitive surrounding landscape of Hackney Marshes. The landscape strategy and design reinforced the visual and ecological drivers that make the site unique.

Client and Contract Period

London Borough of Hackney Council

February 2013 – August 2018

Project Objectives

To enhance sports provision at Hackney Marshes with the replacement of an existing changing facility, construction of a new sports pavilion with pitches, access and car parking.

Issues Challenges and Outcomes

Site sensitivities associated with location within Hackney Marshes, a landscape of distinctive character and designated Metropolitan Open Land (MOL). The site was also adjacent to a Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) bordering the Hackney Navigation and is very heavily used for recreation by the local community.

The requirements of the sports’ governing bodies rendered it unfeasible to replace the building on its existing footprint. This necessitated a detailed options appraisal on the MOL designation, supported by an LVIA. Arkwood provided evidence at Planning Inquiry where the findings of the LVIA were upheld and the project successfully gained planning consent.

The scheme was designed to minimise visual and physical impact, for example surfaces are unbound or reinforced grass to drain naturally and plant stock is obtained locally from the Marshes.

Arkwood carefully managed the design and engagement process to respond to the needs and aspirations of different stakeholders with potentially conflicting interests between sports and environmental concerns.

  • Landscape design RIBA stages 3 – 7
  • Contract Administration
  • Stakeholder Consultation
  • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) and support at Public Inquiry