The objective of Edgbaston reservoir masterplan was to unlock the potential of this secluded and under-used resource. The Reservoir presented a major leisure opportunity for new and existing communities living in its immediate hinterland, in addition to forming the water sports centrepiece for Birmingham’s forthcoming 2026 Commonwealth Games bid.

Client and Contract Period

Birmingham City Council


Project Objectives

Edgbaston Reservoir masterplan considers a number of different influences on the development of the Reservoir site:
• The need to provide better access within Greater Icknield and connectivity to the City Centre
• The need to improve sports, play and healthy lifestyle offer to address public health inequalities
• The and to preserve the biodiversity value of the water body
• To work with sports governing bodies and stakeholders to deliver a significant uplift in the standards of facilities
• The need to preserve the distinctiveness of the site and its important industrial and cultural heritage
• The need to develop a robust funding strategy
• The need for a new business and finance strategy for the site so that it can become cost neutral within 5 years.

Issues Challenges and Outcomes

The site is in the context of a rapidly changing part of Birmingham and currently difficult to access. Arkwood worked with Icknield Port Loop masterplanners to achieve the objective of forging a more robust network of regeneration areas and public opens spaces.

The Design Team has carefully considered how the site’s existing built assets can be enhanced to generate a sustainable business model for asset owners (Birmingham City Council and the Canal and Rivers Trust) and the new facilities (principally the development of a significant new building) can support the business case and address the needs of current stakeholders. This has involved detailed discussions with a ranged of external leisure providers and the current site service operators.

By developing a sensitive approach to engagement and design evolution, the Design Team has succeeded in developing a consensus around a series of innovative design and business planning ideas that can form the basis of a refreshed offer for the
site as a whole. By identifying a range of funding options, the Design Team has provided the client with a clear and achievable implementation plan. By working closely with partners, the Design Team has developed a new identity for Edgbaston Reservoir preserving all that is good about the current site and making it fit for purpose for new and existing users.


• Lead Consultant
• Landscape masterplanning
• Stakeholder consultation
• Stage 3 design for open spaces