Arkwood have been appointed by London Borough of Barking and Dagenham to develop a masterplan for the Ripple Nature Reserve in Barking for RIBA stages 2&3. Ripple is situated on an old fuel ash disposal site, rendering the soil to be more alkaline – meaning that only certain species of plants can grow there that cannot grow anywhere else in the borough. This means that it is an essential site for the preservation of 6 red data book species (those that are considered on the edge of extinction) of invertebrates.

The Ripple Nature Reserve project will support a variety of social outcomes by designing a high quality and inclusive green infrastructure hub with increased biodiversity conservation, nature trails, improved amenities and infrastructure as well as creating opportunities for environmental education and volunteer engagement. The produced designs will align to local aspirations which will be determined through an in-depth engagement process.

Having delivered the award-winning 2017 Parks and Opens and Natural Capital Strategy and the 2019 Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Strategy for Barking and Dagenham, we have a long established and successful relationship with the Borough. We will be reviewing and updating the 2017 strategy to address planning and legislative changes that have come into effect since 2017. These include the need to address the climate and biodiversity emergencies and take positive action on biodiversity net gain and nature recovery.