JSA has been commissioned to develop a new masterplan for Beaversfield Park in Hounslow West.

Beaversfield Park is a vital local public open space with a long-established and extremely successful ‘Friends of’ group. Under the Friends guidance, the park achieved a Bronze Safer Parks award in 2011. The Friends were awarded a Team London Star by the Mayor of London in 2012.

Beaversfield Park is heavily used but is in need of investment to address immediate issues of anti-social behaviour and piecemeal spatial planning. The re-development of the adjoining Cavalry Barracks site by the MoD offers an opportunity for the generation of S106 resources to investment in the park. The Cavalry Barracks project will also forge new links across the park to Hounslow West station and bring new audiences into the space. It’s important that Beaversfield Park is ready to face these new challenges and this masterplan will inform how S106 resources will be directed to improve the current offer and enhance the park’s resilience.

JSA will develop a new masterplan in close collaboration with the London Borough of Hounslow and a variety of stakeholders including the ‘Friends’ local Members and local schools. A number consultation event and workshops will be held throughout the autumn and winter of 2018/19.

The completed masterplan will be submitted for council approval in March 2019.